A combination boiler, often called a “combi boiler,” providess both space heating and domestic hot water (DHW) in one package to save space, and in a lot of cases, money. Modern, high efficiency combi units like U.S. Boiler Company’s Alta Combi, are stainless steel condensing boilers with the addition of a built-in secondary heat exchanger …Read More

Does a New Boiler Qualify for an Efficiency Rebate or Tax Credit?
If you’re considering a boiler upgrade in your home or business, you should know that many ENERGY STAR rated boiler models qualify for efficiency rebates and tax incentives, depending on where you live. The ENERGY STAR label is given to products that meets strict energy efficiency guidelines. U.S. Boiler Company is pleased to provide you …Read More

Is Installing a Hydronic Snowmelt System a Good Investment?
Whether or not you should invest in and install a snowmelt system on your property is entirely a matter of personal choice. Understand that the snowmelt systems being discussed here are hydronic snowmelt systems. This means that tubing to carry warm (not hot) water are buried under the concrete that is to be free of …Read More

How do I make my boiler last as long as possible? Ensure it has fresh intake air!
How do I make my boiler last as long as possible? That’s not a rare question for homeowners to ask heating contractors. Once a boiler has been installed properly, there are three main factors that determine how “healthy” that boiler will remain over its service life: Proper service: Is the unit inspected and cleaned on …Read More

The Most Efficient Heating System for New Home Construction
In a previous blog, we discussed selecting the correct boiler in a replacement situation. Similarly, how do you select the most efficient heating system for a new home? There are many heating systems to choose from. The best solution depends on a variety of factors. Fortunately, many of the factors depend on things that you …Read More

What does boiler turndown ratio mean?
If you’ve been shopping for a new, high efficiency, condensing gas boiler, you may have seen “turndown ratio” mentioned in product literature. This can also be referred to as “firing ratio,” or simply “turndown.” So, what is the turndown ratio of a boiler? To understand the term, we first have to cover how a …Read More

Should I Replace my Boiler with a Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump?
Mini-split heat pumps, also called ductless heat pumps, are becoming more common in North America. Under the right conditions, these systems offer a variety of advantages to homeowners, but those advantages should be carefully weighed against the drawbacks to determine whether or not these systems are a good option for your home. An example of …Read More

What is Outdoor Reset Control?
So, your heating contractor suggests adding an “outdoor reset control” to your boiler and hydronic heating system. Would this be a good investment? Outdoor reset controls are relatively simple devices that provide ample energy savings and a higher level of indoor comfort during the heating season. In fact, boilers equipped with outdoor reset can save …Read More

Emergency HVAC Service While Social Distancing
If there’s any good news associated with the global COVID-19 pandemic, it may come in the form of the virus’ timing. We can be glad that it didn’t arrive here in earnest during the heart of winter. A mid-winter outbreak would have likely forced the issue of close contact between HVAC and plumbing professionals and …Read More

Looking for a High Efficiency Oil Boiler?
Need to replace your old oil boiler? If that’s the case, you are probably hoping to find a high efficiency oil boiler that will last you a long time and use as little oil as possible in the process. If you would like, you can utilize our convenient boiler selection tool. You will be prompted …Read More

How much does a boiler replacement cost in 2020?
How much does a boiler replacement cost in 2020? Like all questions with answers that can quickly get technical and may include a lot of variables, this answer depends on a lot of factors. Factors that impact boiler cost: Factors that impact the price of a boiler replacement, or “retrofit” as people in the …Read More

How long should a boiler last?
Asking how long a boiler should last is a lot like asking how long a car will last. Does it receive proper maintenance with regular oil changes? How many miles is it driven each year? What kind of engine does it have? As with most questions, there’s no simple answer. However, by examining the main …Read More

What is a High Efficiency Gas Boiler?
As the heating season approaches, you may be faced with deciding to replace your boiler to ensure your family stays comfortable this winter. Choosing a new boiler for your home is an extremely important decision. During your online research, you may have discovered a variety of “high efficiency” gas boiler models. So, what exactly is …Read More

When should I service my boiler?
All boilers require periodic service and maintenance, and having this service performed by a professional contractor on an annual basis is recommended. Some companies call this “preventative,” “annual” or “scheduled” maintenance, but the concept is always the same; keep the system tuned up, catch possible problems before they arise, and extend the service life of …Read More

What Size Boiler Do I Need For My House?
If you are in the market for a boiler replacement, you have likely spent some time on Google reviewing your options. However, your web search might have left you with even more questions than when you started… What size boiler do I need? How is boiler size measured? What’s a BTU? What’s GPH? …Read More

8 Tips for Choosing a Heating and Cooling Contractor
Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system could be the most expensive equipment in your home, and you want assurance that whoever works on it has appropriate training. With so many companies to choose from, the decision can be a bit intimidating. This guide will help you choose a professional heating and cooling contractor that is …Read More

What is a combi boiler?
A combination boiler, often called a “combi boiler,” offers both space heating and domestic hot water in one package to save space, and in a lot of cases, money. Modern, high efficiency combi units like U.S. Boiler Company’s K2 Combi and the Aspen combi model are stainless steel condensing boilers with the addition of a built-in secondary …Read More

What is the most efficient water heater for domestic hot water?
There are a variety of ways to supply domestic hot water (DHW) to a home. If you are replacing an existing water heater, using the same type of system that currently exists may or may not be your best option. So, what is the most efficient water heater for your home? There are a lot …Read More

Is a high efficiency, condensing gas boiler the best choice for my home?
Choosing a new boiler for your home is an important decision. Making a knowledgeable choice can help you cut your home’s heating bill substantially. A high efficiency, gas-fired condensing boiler is one of the most economical and clean ways to heat your home, reduce your monthly heating bills, and lessen environmental impact. In most circumstances, …Read More

What is the best heating system for new home construction?
Building a new house gives you the chance to build the home of your dreams. However, you may not have taken the HVAC equipment for your dream home into consideration. New construction gives you a unique opportunity to install the perfect home comfort system for your lifestyle and locale. So what is the best heating …Read More

How to Choose the Right Replacement Boiler
At the heart of every radiant heating system is a boiler. The boiler is responsible for heating water or making steam. That hot water or steam is then distributed throughout the house, usually to radiators. In turn, these radiators efficiently transmit heat into the living space, creating total home heating comfort. Purchasing the right boiler …Read More

Do I Have a Boiler or a Furnace?
Do I have a boiler or a furnace? What is the difference?! We’re glad you asked! We hear this question a lot. Here at U.S. Boiler Company, which is located in Lancaster, PA, we manufacture some of the most efficient, durable boilers that money can buy. We make many different models to fit just about every …Read More