Service comes in a lot of different shapes and sizes. It can be as simple as lending a hand to someone in need, volunteering for a community project or, working in a line of duty that requires sacrifice or courage. Some people thrive on providing service. These individuals seem to check all the above boxes …Read More
Residential Indoor Air Quality Retrofits – Answers to a Growing Need
By Mike Lee, Regional Director for Steve Lee & Associates Ahhh, AC season. Time to think Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). But depending where you live, allergies are not the only airborne irritants, nor is late spring and summer the only time that brings these woes. 2017 was the year the West burned. Heavy snowpack and …Read More
New System Tool Gives Hydronics a Seat at the Table
For many years, HVAC industry professionals have lamented the inadequacy of efficiency ratings to evaluate different system types equitably, especially in the commercial realm. Suffice it to say, the cornucopia of dissimilar efficiency rating systems (EER, IEER, SEER, AFUE, COP, etc.) for different commercial HVAC equipment makes the task of comparing real-world, as-applied system efficiencies …Read More
Financial Troubleshooting Tips
Do you have an accounting mess on your hands? It happens! Here are a few tips and tricks for finding and fixing the loopholes in your accounting program. Financial Tips and Tricks: Understand and accept that it may be you. I often hear something along these lines, “That number wasn’t there yesterday! It must …Read More