Heating Your Home

At U.S. Boiler Company, we are proud to offer residential and commercial heating products that have been designed, engineered and manufactured domestically. Headquartered in Lancaster, PA, our facilities employ nearly 300 people from our community. Every product that leaves our factory has been designed, engineered and produced for exclusive use in North America. That makes us who and what we are… a boiler company that is singularly focused on the needs of our customers.
Your family deserves the best. When you select a boiler in U.S. Boiler Company’s extensive line, your family will get exactly that…the best! Our family of boilers offers reliable, energy-saving, home heating comfort. Furthermore, our line of ultra-high efficiency boilers can provide you with home heating comfort, lower fuel consumption, and less emissions, which benefits everyone! Even our cast iron heat exchangers, manufactured in Zanesville, Ohio, are made from recycled material!
For more information about U.S. Boiler products, contact a professional heating contractor today!
Find A ContractorIf you are looking for some basic boiler knowledge, check out our Boiler Basics blog!
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